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Ahead of UN General Assembly, Wikipedia nonprofit calls on governments to ensure the future internet is shaped by communities for the public interest
21 September 2024, New York USA ― As UN Member States are gathering in New York for the 79th United Nations General Assembly, the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that hosts Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, is calling on governments and the UN to ensure that stakeholders from all sectors can work together in deciding how….
Wikimedians are heroes of free knowledge

Vitor Mazuco
Editor since 2009, Wikimedia community
Pranayraj Vangari
Editor since 2013, Wikimedia community
Arminé Aghayan
Editor since 2013, Wikimedia communityThroughout history, knowledge has been controlled by a powerful few. Wikipedia needs knowledge from all languages and cultures. The internet has become the default for accessing information—women, people of color, and the global south remain underrepresented. We invite you to help correct history.
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Jason Krüger/Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.