Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA: Why we’re here and where we’re going
The Wikimedia Foundation’s mission is to support the communities of readers and contributors who share and consume information on Wikipedia and the other free-knowledge projects. Privacy and anonymity are crucial to the free sharing of knowledge. Mass surveillance erodes our privacy and individualism, and undermines our expressive and associational freedoms.
Appeal filed in Wikimedia v. NSA
Today, our attorneys at the ACLU filed the opening brief in our appeal of Wikimedia v. NSA, which challenges the National Security Agency’s “Upstream” mass surveillance practices. Our complaint was dismissed last fall on the grounds of standing, and the newly filed brief details the many reasons why we have the right to bring these claims. We expect the government’s response in March, and will continue to keep the community updated.
Notice of appeal filed in Wikimedia v. NSA
Today, on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation and our eight co-plaintiffs, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a notice of appeal in Wikimedia v. NSA.
Wikimedia v. NSA update: first hearing
On Friday, September 25, 2015, the first hearing in Wikimedia v. NSA took place in Alexandria, Virginia. Both sides presented oral arguments regarding the government’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit against Upstream mass surveillance.