Our stories say a lot about the foundation for a better internet— so do our numbers
source: Charity Navigator
Transparency is a core principle of the Wikimedia Foundation, and we apply this to our financial reporting. We are proud to be recognized as one of the most transparent nonprofit organizations in the world. Our annual plan and operating budget are developed through open processes, subject to community feedback and board approval, and always available to the public for review.
"The Wikimedia Foundation is incredibly cost-effective. Our annual budget is minuscule compared to a lot of very worthy causes, and our impact is absolutely enormous."
Jimmy Wales - Founder
Expenses (July 1, 2018—June 30, 2019)
43% Direct support to websites
Keeping the Wikimedia websites online is about more than just servers. It also includes ongoing engineering improvements, product development, design and research, and legal support. Wikipedia is one of the top 10 websites in the world, and it runs on a fraction of what other top websites spend.
32% Direct support to communities
The Wikimedia projects exist thanks to volunteer communities around the world that create and maintain them. We strengthen these communities through grants, programs, events, trainings, partnerships, tools to augment contributor capacity, and support for the legal defense of editors.
12% Fundraising
Wikimedia is supported entirely by donations. Millions of remarkable individuals and institutions contribute financially to ensure that we have the necessary resources to continue our global mission.
13% Administration and governance
We manage funds and resources responsibly to recruit and support skilled, passionate staff who advance our communities and values. Other top websites have thousands of employees. We have about 400 staff and contractors to support a wide variety of projects, making each donation a great investment in a highly-efficient not-for-profit organization.
Balance Sheet - Audited (June 30, 2019)
source: 2018 - 2019 financial statements
Current assets: | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 101,932,698 |
Restricted cash | 860,287 |
Current portion of contributions receivable | 300,000 |
Short-term investments | 52,989,896 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets | 2,650,788 |
Total current assets | 158,733,669 |
Property, plant, and equipment, net | 5,688,104 |
Long-term investment | 11,597,936 |
Total assets | 176,019,709 |
Liabilities and net assets
Current liabilities: | |
Accounts payable | 2,987,508 |
Accrued expenses | 5,222,878 |
Other liabilities | 2,167,898 |
Total current liabilities | 10,378,284 |
Total liabilities | 10,378,284 |
Net assets: | |
Unrestricted | 161,502,538 |
Temporarily restricted | 4,138,887 |
Total net assets | 165,641,425 |
Total liabilities and net assets | 176,019,709 |
Statement of Activities - Audited (July 1, 2018—June 30, 2019)
Unrestricted net assets
Support and revenue: | |
Donations and contributions | 110,972,163 |
In-kind service revenue | 1,361,958 |
Foreign currency gains | 30,311 |
Other income, net | 233,232 |
Investment income, net | 4,640,534 |
Release of restrictions on temporarily restricted net assets | 2,829,068 |
Total support and revenue | 120,067,266 |
Expenses: | |
Salaries and wages | 46,146,897 |
Awards and grants | 12,653,284 |
Internet hosting | 2,335,918 |
In-kind service expenses | 1,361,958 |
Donation processing expenses | 4,977,583 |
Professional service expenses | 8,998,261 |
Other operating expenses | 9,005,744 |
Travel and conferences | 2,867,774 |
Depreciation and amortization | 2,856,901 |
Special event expense, net | 209,690 |
Total expenses | 91,414,010 |
Increase in unrestricted net assets | 28,653,256 |
Temporarily restricted net assets
Contributions | 4,867,667 |
Release of restrictions on temporarily restricted net assets | (2,829,068) |
Decrease in temporarily restricted net assets | (2,038,599) |
Increase in net assets | 30,691,855 |
Net assets at beginning of year | 134,949,570 |
Net assets at end of year | 165,641,425 |
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