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Other members of Search Platform

Wikimedia Foundation offices - camera shy photo
Ryan Kemper
Site Reliability Engineer III, Search Platform
Guillaume Lederrey
Engineering Manager (Contractor), Search Platform
Wikimedia Foundation offices - camera shy photo
Erik Bernhardson
Staff Software Engineer, Search Platform

Recent posts by Trey Jones View all

The anatomy of search: In search of…

A galloping overview As we have done before, let’s get a bird’s-eye view of the parts of the search process: text comes in and gets processed and stored in a database (called an index); a user submits a query; documents that match the query are retrieved from the index, ranked based on how well they….

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The anatomy of search: A place for my stuff

A galloping overview As we have done before, let’s get a bird’s-eye view of the parts of the search process: text comes in and gets processed and stored in a database (called an index); a user submits a query; documents that match the query are retrieved from the index, ranked based on how well they….

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